Game Name : A Housewife’s Healing Touch – Pure Love Route
A Housewife’s Healing Touch – Pure Love Route Is a eroge game.
About Game
Shion — a young man unable to manifest his magical powers even after coming of age — is left in the care of a family that specializes in magical research. After finally unleashing his potential during a terrible incident, he is taken under the wing of a skilled healer — Rui — who promises to teach him how to control his powers. But to properly command magic, a man needs a profound knowledge about carnal matters..
Title: A Housewife’s Healing Touch – Pure Love Route
Developer: Alice Soft
Publisher: Alice Soft
Release Date: 6/13/2022
Genre: Visual Novel, Nudity, Eroge, Adventure, Adult
Release Name: A Housewifes Healing Touch Pure Love Route
Cracked by: P2P
Release Size: 401.12 MB
System Requirement
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