Game Name : ASCII Tower Defense
ASCII Tower Defense – Wave after wave of enemy shapes are looking to break through your defenses and ravage the land of Language. Build your defenses, all made of ASCII…
About Game
Shapes are attacking! Wave after wave of enemy shapes are looking to break through your defenses and ravage the land of Language. Build your defenses, all made of ASCII characters, to repel the invaders! ASCII Tower Defense is a strategy game inspired by the game Desktop Tower Defense, as well as older tower defenses like Warcraft’s custom game Wintermaul. Use your money to build defenses, made of ASCII characters, to defeat invading shapes. Use the money gained from defeating them to upgrade your defenses and take on the next wave! There is no set path, make the enemy…
Title: ASCII Tower Defense
Developer: David Segal Games
Publisher: David Segal Games
Release Date: 21 Jul, 2024
Genre: Strategy, Tower Defense
Release Name: ASCII Tower Defense
Cracked by: P2P
Release Size: 87.93 MB
System Requirement
- OS: Windows 10
- Storage: 120 MB available space
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