Game Name : Caramel Performance
Caramel Performance – Game about circus, magic and personal troubles of the girl Evelyn Vozui. Where will the fate take her? Only you decide!
About Game
Caramel performance- visual novel in the genre of slice of life/sport about circus, magic (in unusual poin of view) and about fate of main character in general. In this reality magic is not something cool or positive rather than body anomaly that faces constant condemned, censorship and criticism. It is difficult for the owner of magic to find work, housing, and acceptance in society. And main character is not exception. Main character founds her salvation in the circus Kriv where each participant is a magic owner. As the story unfolds, you are absorbed in the circus,…
Title: Caramel Performance
Developer: Keyeee
Publisher: Keyeee
Release Date: 24 Jul, 2024
Genre: Visual Novel, Casual
Release Name: Caramel Performance-TENOKE
Cracked by: TENOKE
Release Size: 935.35 MB
System Requirement
- OS:
- Processor:
- Storage: 1300 MB available space
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