Game Name : Dal Segno
About Game
Kazana Island… A cozy, cool paradise where summer is everlasting. The protagonist steps foot on this island paradise as a transfer student, greeted by a mysteriously glittering sky, as well as the energetic island caretaker Ame, a girl-type AI. After a bit of a rocky start, he settles…
Title: Dal Segno
Genre: Nudity ,Adventure.
Developer: Circus
Publisher: MangaGamer
Release Date: 30 Jun, 2017
Release Name: Dal Segnobr
Cracked by: P2P
Release Size: 2.4 GB
System Requirement
- OS: Windows 7
- Processor: Core 2 Duo Or Better
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: 128Mb DirectX 9 Compatible Adapter
- Storage: 2100 MB available space
- Sound Card: Any
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