Game Name : Marionette Fantasy
Marionette Fantasy – A girl named Maria got sucked into the RPG world, and only you can control her. Tons of ecchi traps await! DLsite Adult Doujin is a download shop for hentai…
About Game
*STORY* “When the seven goddess stones are collected any wish will come true… Embark on a perilous RPG adventure in search of the seven stones.” You found an RPG game with the above description. When you load up the game, a single young girl appears on the screen. Her name is Maria, and she’s trapped inside the game world! Only you can control her. Tons of ecchi traps await! * Simple RPG gameplay Easy and fast-paced game that can be cleared in 4-5 hours. Direct gameplay with most maps and dungeons in a straight line. No game over; if you die, just…
Title: Marionette Fantasy
Developer: X-TOYS
Publisher: X-TOYS
Release Date: Dec/29/2011
Genre: Adult, Anime, Mature, Nudity, Visual Novel
Release Name: Marionette Fantasy
Cracked by: P2P
Release Size: 101 MB
System Requirement
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