Game Name : War Hospital
Crack Status: CRACKED
RELEASE DATE: Jan 11, 2024
Crack DATE: Jan 11, 2024
DRM Protection: STEAM
Scene group: RUNE
What is War Hospital about?
As Major Henry Wells, a retired British combat physician, you’re thrust into the harrowing landscape of World War I. Tasked with the overwhelming responsibility of leading the charge on the French front, you find yourself as the last bastion of hope amid a severe shortage of personnel and resources.
Step into the role of a field hospital commander, addressing gruesome war injuries. Construct a facility for treating the wounded amidst the thunderous explosions of nearby artillery. Explore the authentic tools and evolving methods of World War I. Your choices will leave a lasting impact. Forge a micro-community of rescuers and survivors. Inspire hope within your staff and soldiers. Introduce moments of ceasefire to inject a semblance of normalcy. Immerse yourself in a war-themed game that not only acknowledges but celebrates life over death.
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